Hector at Ground Level and Beyond by Gary Finnan
A Living Now Book Awards Inspirational Fiction
Silver Medal Winner
This “little book” is about being present to the wonders that exist around us “At Ground Level,” discovering all we fail to see when we spend so much of our lives chasing bigger, better, faster, and more. Everything around us seems much more desirable than ourselves or our own lives and loves. We say, “The grass is greener on the other side.” Is it? Or is the grass greenest where you are?
“A beautifully written book that needs to be read and absorbed by everyone living in today’s world. A parable and a beautiful love story, Hector At Ground Level and Beyond lovingly offers readers an opportunity to step back and reflect on what brings true happiness and contentment into our lives. Hector discovers that it’s not about living up to the expectations of others or acquiring things, or endlessly racing toward a goal that can never be achieved; it’s about understanding that each of us is already complete and happiness awaits us at every turn, if we’re only willing and able to see and grab it. Highly recommended. “
~ Jim Brumm, Author of
Long-Term Thinking for a Short-Sighted World